At CakeBee, customers are always first and we have a very friendly delivery policy.
All cakes are categorized into Xpress which is 2 hour delivery, Signature which is 6 hour delivery and Handcrafted which is 24 hour delivery. Do book based on your requirements
All COD orders are confirmed via phone/mail post order placement and will be processed only after confirmation from the customer.
We reserve the right to charge any additional delivery charges if the address is changed post order is placed, if re-attempts for delivery are made due to your unavailability or if any delivery charge is not levied where applicable due to technical glitches.
We also reserve the right to cancel your order if :
• We cannot reach you to confirm the order due to wrong email/phone number or non responsiveness.
• The delivery address provided by you is not serviceable or incorrect.
• Unavailability of the items ordered.